The Q Filmcast

The Q Filmcast

Episode 98 : THE BOXTROLLS / Top 3 “Cheesy” Movies (In Adam’s Movie Collection)

July 04, 2015

It's time to give a nod to a little stop animation with this weeks selection, THE BOXTROLLS  Adam knows some things about cheese, so perhaps it's fitting he queued this one up... This 2014 feature from Laika Entertainment tells the story of the Boxtrolls, a subterranean race of underground box wearing dwellers who
live beneath the fictional Victorian town of Cheesebridge, and although they may look a bit fearsome, they're actually quite friendly. Having previously adopted an orphaned infant boy named Eggs (voiced by Isaac Hempstead-Wright), the diminutive tinkerers raise him as one of their own even as the rumors above swirl about whether or not he was STOLEN from them by the impish creatures below. The two things
the people of this posh town treasure most are their children and their
cheeses, which is without a doubt the status of choice - in this town, the size of your brie determines the size of your clout!  When the unsavory Archibald Snatcher (Kingsly) finds himself unable to break into the upper class of the cheese hierarchy, he vows to destroy every last BoxTroll in the hopes that a hero status will unlock the door to the towns most coveted cheese tasting rooms. Little does the
villainous Snatcher realize that Eggs has a wealthy friend named Winnie (voiced
by Ellie Fanning), and that Winnie may be the key to solving the longstanding
feud between the people above, and the benevolent creatures below... Listen to see where the four of us land on this well crafted tale by the same people who brought you Coraline and ParNorman. To conclude (you gotta hear this) we offer up our Top 3 "Cheesy" films from Adam's movie collection.