The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

Where is the residential property market headed?

May 20, 2016

Property prices are almost always a talking point in Northern Ireland. After all it’s the biggest purchase most of us will ever make.

As Mark Twain observed they’re not making any more land, the quantity is fixed, but he neglected to mention the prices people are willing to pay for it, are anything but.

So where exactly are we in the property market at the moment? And can anyone really claim to accurately predict where it’s going to go? We’ve been going head to head with Simon Brien, who agrees it is a “two-speed recovery.”

If the thought of the ups and downs of the property market leave you queasy, how about being surrounded by guts and gore? There’s more fake blood on our screens than ever before, and one special effects business in Belfast is wiping the floor with the competition. Titanic Creative Management was set up former accountant Nuala Campbell. She’s developed a prosthetic gelatine used in TV shows like Criminal Minds to re-create bullet holes and wounds. It’s now used by top make-up artists around the world. We’ve been finding out how she built her business from scratch.

Our start-up is Nuala Murphy from “Happy Mummy, Happy Baby.” Nuala is developing an app to help women with post-natal depression.