The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The Profit Margin, with Jamie Delargy and Naomi McMullan

The economy is no excuse

May 27, 2016

If starting and growing your own business was easy, everyone would be doing it. And guess what? Not everyone is.

Start-ups have notoriously high mortality rates.  Most don't make it within the first couple of years. If your business is still around after two years, and you are too, then you have the equally difficult challenge of growing it.

Not our words, but those of our guest today, Philip Bain author of “Start to Grow” and the co-founder of Shred Bank.

Philip began Shred Bank in the mouth of recession; 9 years later the business continues to grow. He maintains that if a business isn't successful, it's less to do about the wider economy and more to do with how relevant the business actually is to the wider market.