The Podcast Report

The Podcast Report

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Facebook Algorithms Versus Podcast Realities - Where Would You Rather Market Your Content?
May 17, 2019

You have a choice of marketing your content on Facebook and paying/hoping that the algorithm will be favorable to you. You can also put that some content on a Podcast and know that 100% of those looking to get the content will, in fact, get the...

Don't Assume Your Podcast Competition Has A Strategy
May 08, 2019

Don't assume that your Podcast competition is doing what they're doing because they have a specific strategy. Also, never assume that if they do have a strategy, that the strategy is solid. Many things are done online in Podcasting because someone got...

The Best Podcast Monetization Model REQUIRES Ubiquity
April 24, 2019

There has been a LOT of complaining lately about groups who take "your" Podcast and put it on "their" platform. This is what Podcasting is FOR / this is what Podcasting is about. This is why we love Podcasting.   The power of Podcasting...

A Few Thoughts On The New Apple Podcast Pages And What They Might Mean To Podcasters
April 16, 2019

I don't have a full strategy yet for the new Apple Podcast pages, but I'm intrigued. Here's the link to Apple's Podcast Page for this episode...

Can You Be A Guest On My Podcast?
April 09, 2019

Can you be a guest on my Podcast? Probably not. This Podcast explains why. Originally recorded as a Facebook Live -  

Do you want to put your videos on YouTube?
April 03, 2019

A quick look at whether or not Podcasters really want to play in the YouTube sandbox.

Assets Versus Episodes
March 30, 2019

Are you producing episodes - or assets?  Here's are few thoughts on the difference between the two with a little math thrown in to make it interesting.  

How The March 2019 Apple Event Should Impact Podcasts For Years To Come
March 25, 2019

A few thoughts on the March 25, 2019, Apple Special Event and what the lessons of Apple moving to a services company should be.

What Would Happen If Apple Launched A Free Podcast Hosting Service?
March 19, 2019

What would happen if Apple launched its own free Podcasting hosting service atop already existing free iCloud accounts?   There is real precedence for this in this history of free hosting accounts (could happen on Google Drive or Microsoft...

Why Are There SO MANY Podcast Myths?
March 15, 2019

We hit Podcasting Myths on the Podcasters' Roundtable last night.   Why are there so many Podcast myths? Here's the episode at YouTube -