Call Me Pasturescott

Call Me Pasturescott

Latest Episodes

How To Hear God: A Conversation With John Brown, Pt. 2
April 22, 2015

Join me, won't you, for a second sit-down with my friend and mentor, John Brown. Our dialogue is about hearing the voice of God and distinguishing His voice from our own, or from a more nefarious source. Oh No, He Didn't! Did He? In today's episode, Joh

How To Hear God: A Conversation with John Brown, Pt. 1
April 19, 2015

( This week I sat down with my father in the faith and asked him about hearing God's voice for ourselves. As per usual, John was insightful, humble a

Five-Minute Faith-Builder: I AM ENOUGH
April 11, 2015

( After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” Genesis 15:1 *     *     *     * Â

Podcast: How Does God Truly Feel About Me?
April 08, 2015

( Have you seen Pretty Woman? You know, Richard Gere and a younger Julia Roberts. Perhaps the movie that made her a star and resurrected Gere's career? * Rescued from the streets. *

Podcast: How to Stay Faithful to the Finish Line
April 07, 2015

( Someone once said a person's character is determined by what it takes to stop them. What has stopped you? A rumor? A break-up? Unfairly treated? Overlooked for that promotion? Laid off? Betray

Weekly Podcast: A Challenging Word for 2015
January 12, 2015

This week's episode outlines a scenario for the followers of Jesus in coming days. What will 2015 hold for the Church? I have a challenging word for us. You'll need to read Acts 27 and 28 which provides background and scriptural support for where God is

Sunday Podcast: A Marked Man
January 04, 2015

I heard a guy today - a converted Muslim - who actually said the words, Lord, I know in this life we are destined for trials. Make my trials hard because You are worthy." When he came to faith eight years ago, he lost two businesses to his Muslim co

December 28, 2014

In today's podcast: The Advent you! You can't read the Advent without stumbling over the word "great" at every turn. Why? Because Jesus is a "great Savior"! And He's come for a great purpose - and YOU are part of it! All we're given i

Sunday Podcast: Advent Meditation #4: Jesus, the Photograph of God
December 21, 2014

In today's episode: Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Last week's episode featured the page in the Nazareth family album dedicated to Mary, Messiah's mother. It was her courage and selflessness that th

Sunday Podcast: Advent Meditation #3: Mary, An ‘Amen’ Heart
December 14, 2014

On this week's Advent podcast: Mary knew the score. She knew she'd be suspected of adultery, heresy, even mental illness; she knew she'd likely lose her Joseph over the whole ordeal; her parents might never trust her for anything ever again; her family mi