The Outside Voice Show

The Outside Voice Show

Dare You To Move – Jerry Fee

February 26, 2019

How well do you respond to life when things don't seem to be going your way? Do you find yourself becoming increasingly frustrated with the constant uncertainty of your life and overwhelmed by the things you can't control but instead they control you? Or are you the kind of person who can see past all the to-do and allow yourself to be comforted in the fact that none of us are really in charge here?

My guest for the podcast this week is musician and artist - Jerry Fee @jerryfeemusic. Jerry is currently residing in Idaho with his wife and kids while preparing to make a move to Nashville, TN. in the next few months as he gears up for an upcoming tour and new full length release in March 2017. Jerry tells us that he wasn't always interested in music and as a kid he had hoped to become a professional baseball player one day. Since his father was involved in the trucking industry they were constantly moving from one state to another in pursuit of work. Jerry says those moving experiences helped him become more understanding of different cultures and kept him from assuming too much about a person based solely on our own experiences.

Faith also played a major role in Jerry's life while growing up. He recalls how his grandparents and parents seemed to genuinely live out their faith, loving others the way they said Jesus would. It made a lasting impression on Jerry and would eventually go on to help shape his world view and perspectives on how to be the church. Recently after the prompting of what he would later describe as the Holy Spirit,

Jerry has been compelled to go even further into his world of creativity and expression to help tell the story of how faithful God has been to him throughout his life, especially in the moments that seemed so uncertain. This episode is another great example of God's faithfulness to all of his children and how He may call us from our places of comfort and security to go out into the unknown and unpredictable so that we can see that His love, patience, protection, and provision are limitless when we don't limit Him.

Please be sure to go visit Jerry at his website : and listen to some of his amazing music as it tells the story that God designed him to tell.

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Until next time – God Bless and Speak Out

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