The Outerhaven Podcast

The Outerhaven Podcast

The Outerhaven Podcast Episode 129 - The Parity Party - The Outerhaven Podcast

September 30, 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back with Episode #129 of The Outerhaven Podcast! It’s another full house as we discuss the latest in geek culture!
J.J. Piedra
Clinton Bowman
Keith Mitchell
Matthew Paul
Karl Smart
Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name
Elemental Shamans
WWE 2K17
YouTube Heroes
What the… Moment of the Week:
Cow fights a helicopter… and wins.
Main Topic:
We take a look at Graphics Parity and what it means for consoles versus PCs in terms of gaming. 
As always, send your questions into the mailbag AT theouterhaven DOT net to get them answered on the show. Keep it classy folks! You can also check us out on YouTube.