The Study of God

The Study of God

The Bible is True; The Methodology of Old Testament Theology, Pt 4

May 23, 2015

Today's passage of Scripture is Deuteronomy 4:31 which reads: "(For the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them."

Today's words from a theologian are from Oswald Chambers. He said: "Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man."

Our first topic for today is titled "What Are the Implications of the Bible Being the Word of God? (Part 1)" from the book, "Understanding Theology in 15 Minutes a Day" by Dr. Daryl Aaron.

If the Bible is in fact God's Word, then there are very important implications we must consider. Scripture itself presents some of these implications.

The Bible Is True

Because God is always truthful and correct in whatever he says, his Word also is truthful and correct in whatever it says. Jesus said to his Father, "Your word is truth." He does not just say God's Word is true but rather equates it with truth itself -- ultimate Truth. Theologically, this is to say that the Bible is inerrant, that is, without error.


Our second topic for today is titled "The Methodology of Old Testament Theology, Part 4" from "The Moody Handbook of Theology" by Dr. Paul Enns.


Old Testament theology can be summarized under the central theme of kingdom. From the beginning of history God has worked through appointed mediators in administering the mediatorial kingdom through-out Old Testament history. All of those administrations, however, anticipated the culminating mediatorial kingdom: the millennium under the rule of Messiah. The unconditional covenants of the Old Testament in particular define the nature of the future millennial kingdom. With the Abrahamic covenant God began to deal with a special people, Israel. God promised them a land, a posterity that would issue in Messiah and a people over whom He would rule, and spiritual blessing that would involve forgiveness. Throughout the remainder of the Old Testament writings, God deals with Israel to bring her to a place of spiritual blessing in which she will be the agent for God to bless the nations of the world.
