The Study of God

The Study of God

How Can I Know God? General Revelation; The Methodology of Old Testament Theology, Pt. 2

April 17, 2015

Today's passage of Scripture is Numbers 23:19 which reads: "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

Today's words from a theologian are from Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He said: "A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol."

Our topic for today is titled "How Can I Know God? General Revelation" from the book, “Understanding Theology in 15 Minutes a Day" by Dr. Daryl Aaron.

In our last episode we looked at general revelation; today, we are going to look at specific revelation.

Dr. Daryl Aaron writes:

Whereas general revelation is available to all people generally, specific (or special) revelation is only available to specific people and at specific times and places. Historically, this has taken many forms, such as the following:

First, God has revealed himself through an audible voice. This seems implied in Genesis 12:1 which begins with the words, "The Lord had said to Abram..." A clear example is when God called out to Samuel, and at first Samuel thought Eli was calling him.

Second, God has revealed himself through dreams, such as Joseph's. Later, Pharaoh had two related dreams and God enabled Joseph to interpret them. Joseph specifically told Pharaoh, "God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do."


Our second topic for today is titled "The Methodology of Old Testament Theology, Part 2" from "The Moody Handbook of Theology" by Dr. Paul Enns.

First, today, we will address The Topical Method

John L. McKenzie develops an Old Testament theology without consideration of the New Testament. In contrast to other Old Testament theologies that attempt to see a relationship between the testaments, McKenzie writes as if the New Testament did not exist. He agrees with Harnack or Bultmann, who apparently stated that the Old Testament is not a Christian book. McKenzie develops his Old Testament theology around Israel's experience of Yahweh. Recognizing that not every experience is of equal value, he is selective in determining what is included in his study but emphasizes that "the totality of the experience" is the important thing. Other works that fit this category are Georg Fohrer’s “Basic Theological Structures of the Old Testament†and W. Zimmerli’s “Old Testament Theology in Outline.â€
