The Newsmakers

The Newsmakers

Ending The Nuclear Era

August 10, 2020

When images spread of a giant mushroom cloud rising over Lebanon's capital, the timing could not have been more ominous. Nearly 75 years ago to the day, a much larger cloud rose above the city of Hiroshima and three days later, Nagasaki, ushering in an age of nuclear weapons. As Japan remembers those events, the two superpowers capable of unleashing that kind of destruction are at odds with each other. Russia and the United States hold ninety percent of the world's nuclear arms, and the agreement that keeps those numbers in check is about to expire. Will they be able to make a fresh START, or is this the end of arms control as we know it?


Tatsujiro Suzuki
Vice Director at Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition

Dan Smith
Director of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Miles Pomper
Senior Fellow at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

Andrey Kortunov
Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council​