Neuro Lifestyle: Brain Hacks | Brain Optimization

Neuro Lifestyle: Brain Hacks | Brain Optimization

002: Dr Brant Cortright - Neurogenesis & Proven Ways To Increase Your Brain Power

September 18, 2017

Dr Brant Cortright, author of The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle, shares how you can use different lifestyle factors to increase your brain's rate of Neurogenesis, the ability of your brain to produce new brain cells!

It's important to note that many new brain stem cells once they are formed NEVER actually make it to mature brain cells. The brain actually prunes them and it's actually a very important and healthy process, but Dr Brant explains that there are easy methods to increase the rate in which your brain is making new cells and also explains how you can preserve them.

In this episode we discuss:
- Which foods to eat and which to avoid at all costs!
- What is the best type of exercise to stimulate neurogenesis
- What are different mindset and devotional practices (meditation, gratitude, theistic practices) to increase neurogenesis
- Why travel can actually boost your brain power
- How neurogenesis can make you handle emotions better
- How to make your brain better with time rather than age with time!