The Nerdy Rat Podcast

The Nerdy Rat Podcast

Slimy Humans or Slimy Rats? Plus Slime Rancher and Slimy Ego Pandering (1-18-18 #19)

January 19, 2018

Liz and Matt talk about enrichment activities for ratty playtime, Slime Rancher, and the Doctor Who Christmas Special.
Ratty Topics – We got two new foster rats through Small Angels Rescue who were being starved to death by neglectful humans. Fortunately, they are on the mend and gaining tons of weight! We discuss some behaviors that starved rats may exhibit – including stashing food obsessively.
We respond to loyal listener Emily’s question about enrichment activities for playtime outside the cage. DIY cardboard boxes are a big hit and we have some tips for how to modify them into a ratty city that your rats will love! The key is not having too much open space between boxes. Check out our Pinterest page for more DIY enrichment ideas.
For more DIY rat enrichment tips, check out podcast Episode 10. 
In distressing ratty news, Liz has developed allergies to the rats (and cat – and dogs!) She refuses to give up her (fur) children – it’s not even an option – so she’s visited an allergist and is looking into allergy shots. Did you know it takes a full year before they start to help and it’s a five year process? I didn’t!! In the meantime, daily Claritin is helping as well as some management strategies to minimize fur contact with bare skin (even though that’s the best part of owning rats!)
Local Animal News –  In a new study, it turns out that the Bubonic Plague or Black Death from the Middle Ages was not in fact spread by rats, but humans! Vindication for our ratties!!
BBC news article on Bubonic Plague and Rats
Also, a brave and clever squirrel has been stealing moss from the DC Eagles and it’s been captured on the DC Eagle Cam. Let’s hope the squirrel stays away from those sharp beaks and talons!!
DC Eagle Cam video of daring squirrel thieves
Etsy Shop – A big shoutout to KJArting who designed and licensed the rat graphic that I’m now using on labels with my Etsy bonding pouches and hammock sets. It looks awesome! Check out her shop, she has tons of digital graphics for sale.
And, Wonder Woman hammock sets are now available from TheNerdyRat Etsy shop (handmade by Liz)! Also featuring Batgirl and Supergirl.
Nerdy Topics – Matt got Liz the computer game Slime Rancher for Christmas and she shares her review, frustrations, and tips. Overall, it’s super fun, but I hope a storyline concept might be developed. I’m worried that once I discover all the sandbox areas, I won’t want to play anymore. Liz has also been enjoying the game Costume Quest which is Halloween themed.
Matt discusses the trailer for the Nintendo Switch Labo and talks about his adventures in refurbishing an old computer that runs Windows 8 (Liz believes it’s a Pentium 3 but these show notes might need to be corrected.)
We discuss the latest Doctor Who Christmas Special (which we were about to see as of the last podcast episode).