The Nerdosphere

The Nerdosphere

The DCEU is Finally Getting a Real Batman

September 03, 2020

The DC FanDome has come and gone but not after giving the nersdosphere a cornucopia of DC Expanded Universe reveals and details. The biggest thing to come out of the content dump was the reveal trailer for the upcoming film The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves and starring Robert Pattinson. The reveal trailer, and information that followed, shows us a Year 2 version of Batman inside a noir setting and sporting a true detective feel. The hosts of The Nerdosphere discuss The Batman trailer and its implications for the caped crusader, as well as past adaptations of the Dark Knight.

Batman wasn’t the only thing revealed at the DC FanDome, however. Black Adam and the first Flash “solo” outing had big reveals as well. We discuss it all… including how FedEx is terrible and Clayton hates them. And… fleas. Yes, fleas. It a situation. Listen and you’ll see what we mean.