The Nerdosphere

The Nerdosphere

Hit Me with that Anime(tion) with Dagan Moriarty

July 16, 2020

Anime is amazing. A growing number of nerds know this already. But some still resist and dig in their heels when pressed to give it a try. One of the Nerdosphere hosts, Tim, is such a nerd. In order to try and finally turn him into a weeb, the Presson Bros recruit a special guest: professional animator Dagan Moriarty. Dagan is an animator for Sesame Street, co-host of the popular nerd nostalgia podcast Knockback, and host of the upcoming animation themed podcast Meddling Kids. But most important (for this podcast) he loves anime.

Together we try our best to sway Tim to the anime side with our love and opinions on the anime genre. We also dive deep into the mind of Dagan Moriarty regarding animation, podcasting, and life.