Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Latest Episodes

Toddlers Establishing Independence
November 20, 2015

Shelly and Clarie Lerner (our favorite guest from Zero to Three) discuss why Henry is acting up in Australia and how Shelly can reframe the situation to see that Henry is not being defiant.  It isn’t really a Terrible Two thing either.

Before You Put Your Child on Medication Listen
November 10, 2015

Tricia and Nancy discuss what to do when a doctor suggests medication for your child.  We focus on a diagnosis of ADD but this applies to anytime your doctor discusses medicating your child.

Becoming a Better Mom By Hearing our Internal Story
November 01, 2015

We talk with Katie McClain, author, life coach and mother, about what happens when we find out that our parenting tactics and the stories we tell ourselves affect our children and weaken us as parents.  We learn how to parent from our strengths and cha...

Baby Signing Essentials–Nancy’s New Book
October 23, 2015

We discuss Nancy's new book Baby Signing Essentials and the basics of why you would want to sign with your baby.  If you are out of the baby stage, this book makes a great gift for a friend who is having a baby or has a young child. -

Understanding Your Child’s CoreSelf
October 16, 2015

We think our job is a parent is to raise a child who is a success and that we have the experience to see what their potential is and how to mold them into the best adult possible. We feel that we need to create the right situations and encourage or kid...

Avoiding Toxic Relationships
October 08, 2015

Jordin Corlett, founder of Boundaries of Love, discusses the warning signs of toxic relationships and how to avoid them.  We also discuss how to talk to your young adult children about toxic relationships.  Even if you are in a great relationship,

From Australia with Love
September 29, 2015

We talk to Shelly who has moved to Australia and learn what the difference in life are and how it is for an American family to live in Australia for a year.

Parenting the Introverted Child
July 06, 2015

She was told her son had autism but today, he is in the top 4% of students across the country.  Pilar's son is brilliant, but he is introverted so he never spoke up in class and had a hard time socializing with kids.  In our extrovert-oriented society,

Who Do You Think You Are?
June 22, 2015

Finding your roots is not something that only the stars can do.  Now affordable DNA kits let you take a peek into your family's past. Websites like make locating ancestors easier.  And helps you write your family history.

Forget Stranger Danger Think Tricky People
June 07, 2015

Mom told you not to talk to strangers.  But she really should have told you to watch out for Tricky People! Pattie Fitzgerald, creator of Safely Ever After, discusses what we really should be worried about and how to arm our children so they are ready ...