Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Latest Episodes

Traumatic Brain Injuries on the Rise
May 31, 2015

According to the CDC, concussions and other traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in children increased 60% in the past decade.  We talk with Alexis Carroll, mother of a young man seriously injured in a skateboarding accident about how the decision to take of...

Empowering Kids to Deal with a Hyper-sexualized World
May 17, 2015

As never before, our society focuses on a person's looks and sexuality.  From seemingly innocent ways to devastatingly manipulative ways, children are exposed to sexuality at younger and younger ages and in much more in-your-face ways.

Free Range Vs Helicopter
May 04, 2015

The news has been filled with stories of children being picked up by the police for walking to the park to play with parents investigated for neglect. This got us thinking about whether the world is such an unsafe place that we need to hover over our c...

Disneyland Tips 2015
February 28, 2015

Since it is one of the places most visited by families with kids (our main listeners) and since we go there ourselves, we want to share the tips we learn for a successful trip.  We discuss Tricia's first trip with her clan and how she made the week spe...

Success in Weight Loss–It’s All In Your Head
February 17, 2015

Tricia and Nancy discuss how to lose weight.  Both women have lost large amounts of weight (70+105 pounds) and have changed their lives.  Tricia is currently in the midst of her weight loss journey and is changing her life (70 pounds and going strong).

Technology To Help Find Lost Kids
February 08, 2015

We talk to Spencer Behrend, Founder and CEO if KiLife about upcoming technology he and his wife envisioned after losing their child during a parade.  Kiband is more than bluetooth tag for your child.  It uses smart alerts to let you and your child know...

Decision Making Skills
January 11, 2015

One of the best skills you can teach your child is to problem solve for them self.  Whether they are 4 or 14, this skill will become one they use throughout their life. Julie Nelson shares 5 steps to help kids learn how to make decisions along with pra...

Big Changes for Shelly
January 04, 2015

Shelly's family has a big change coming.  It's not what you are thinking (or at least not what we were thinking).  Listen and learn what amazing change her family has to look forward to.

Dreams Come True in an Awesome Way
November 23, 2014

( a dream you want to realize?  Want to teach your kids to dream big? We talk with Dallas Clayton, author and dreamer whose book An Awesome World (http://www.veryawesomeworld.