The Mom Hour

The Mom Hour

Holiday ENCORE #2: Magic Is For Moms, Too

December 10, 2016

This is a special encore presentation of one of 2015’s best holiday-themed podcast episodes. It’s all about how moms can re-claim the magic of the season for themselves. Enjoy, and let us know what you think!
“Simplify” has become one of the buzziest holiday buzzwords over the last decade, and in this podcast episode Meagan and Sarah are unpacking what that really means in their homes. Whether you really do want to scale back this season or whether, like us, you’re just out to maximize magic and minimize stress, we hope you’ll join us!

Links we mentioned (or should have!) in Episode 30

* 5 reasons I’m not simplifying Christmas this year (updated) – Laura Vanderkam
* Holiday Episodes of The Home Hour

* Create a Calmer Holiday with Doña Bumgarner (Episode 44)
* Saving Money at the Holidays with Amy Clark of (Episode 9)
* Simplifying the holidays with Tsh Oxenreider of Simple Mom (Episode 7)
* Low-Stress Traditions with Sarah Powers (the first time we ever recorded together! Episode 14)
* Christmas at Home with Meagan & Sarah (last year’s holiday chat – Episode 46)
* Living Well on Less with Amy Suardi of Frugal Mama (Episode 5)
* Blogging and Life with Rebecca Woolf of Girl’s Gone Child (Episode 16)

* Essays and posts we’ve written on creating holiday joy and enjoying the season

* Holidays, The Easy Way (a four-part series on The Happiest Home)
* Why Holiday Traditions Aren’t Mom’s Responsibility (Sarah for The Huffington Post)
* Believing in Santa, for now (Meagan for The Washington Post)
* The Reason For The Season? Joy. (Meagan for The Happiest Home)

Happy December, friends! How will you be enjoying the season this year?