The MitchCast

The MitchCast

The MitchCast 190

August 31, 2012

How about a little blast from the past?? Yeah, this was recorded before the start of the 2012 Summer Olympics. Listening to it is like taking a time machine back to when you cared about the Olympics. I know I've long forgotten the games.

What's better than that? I'll tell you. One guest? How about TWO guests! Oh yeah! For the first part we get to talk to Reed Soper a guest writer on Modern Mormen Men, The Manly Mommy Blog. His post "On Becoming Sterile" won the 2011 Post of the Year as voted by readers on that blog. Check it out and you'll see why.

We do take time with Reed to hash out some toenail cutting techniques as well as some new product ideas. So, if you're an inventor, this show once again is a goldmine of ideas. Just saying, we've not patented our new product YET. We'd be happy for some tip of the hat if you beat us to it.

Guest number two, Jared, comes to defend some recent conversation about movie trilogies, most specifically, what he would call THE Trilogy. Yes, it's just another George Lucas apologist in my opinion, but you'll have to tune in to decide for yourself. It's all in good fun, but come on, Jar Jar??

As usual, over 90 minutes of fudge packed goodness and it's well worth the 5 week wait. Well, not really. But that's just my way of defending my laziness. It's a disability really. Just be glad you don't have it. Seriously. Donate to the cause.

And that be it!

PS - The Captain did come through this time, but I did not... and the coupon is expired. I blame myself.

Music: "Poison" by Alice Cooper