The Mindful Revolution

The Mindful Revolution

Yogi Roth: A Life in a Walk

April 22, 2015

Yogi Roth has been described as a modern day Indiana Jones.  He is a media personality, college football analyst, best-selling author, motivational speaker, actor and an Emmy nominated filmmaker.  At heart, though, he’s a guy from a small town in Pennsylvania who loves to share a good story.

Win Forever, the New York Times best-seller that he co-authored with Pete Carroll, is one of those good stories.  His most recent story, though, is Life in a Walk, a documentary about a walk Yogi took with his dad.  It’s not just any walk but one through Portugal and Spain along the Camino De Santiago.  Yogi says that the film is about making a decision to act on his strong feeling to spend more time with his father.

Today he’ll discuss the making of that film and his ongoing exploration of human potential.  He is the co-founder of Win Forever, a brand inspired by Pete Carroll, that furthers human potential, elevates mentorship and inspires leaders through a philosophy of competition.  When he’s not doing all of the above, Yogi travels the nation delivering motivational presentations about living a Life Without Limits.