The Mindful Revolution

The Mindful Revolution

Take Your Life Back with Paula Rizzo

March 25, 2015

Today, start getting your life back with Paula Rizzo.  Paula is an Emmy Award winning broadcast journalist and the senior health producer for Fox News Channel in New York City.  What’s more, she’s the founder of Paula attributes much of her success to her compulsive list making.

If you’re trying to save time, be more organized, more productive, save money and reduce stress, then don’t miss this full hour with Paula.  Her new book is Listful Thinking: Using Lists to Be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed, and she shares the tools and techniques that have made her successful at work and applies them to the art of list-making. 

Paula believes that making lists is the easiest way to stay organized, productive and efficient. Moreover, she’ll tell us how making lists can make us healthier.  Listen now and start taking your life back.Â