The Marketing Menu

The Marketing Menu

#022 – Using Video Marketing In Your Business - The Marketing Menu

January 02, 2018

We have talked about the rising importance of using video marketing as part of the marketing toolbox on several podcasts. So we thought it would be good to go into a little more detail about why video use is growing, what type of content could be included and what equipment people may need and how best to plan for video marketing in business.
We bring in our resident expert, Andrew Plant of Andrew Plant Photography, to share his expertise on how to make a professional looking video.

In this episode discover:

• Why it is a good idea to use video content
• Considerations when designing your message. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
• What types of video there are: Using videos for product demonstrations or ‘how to’ guides where you can share your expertise, an interview or testimonial, a who are we video, or it may be about an event you attended and feature footage of you in action
• How to create a storyboard
• How long a video should be
• Using voiceovers and music backgrounds
• Adding captions and where to host your video
• Useful technical issues to consider

Plus conversations on lighting, location, setting up the shots, camera suitability and more.


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