The Marketing Menu

The Marketing Menu

#020 – Preparing For Podcasting - The Marketing Menu

November 29, 2017

Today we’re going to give you a quick guide on how to set up a podcast channel. So Liz why are we talking about this today?

Well, I was at a networking event last week and interestingly I was talking to someone about our podcast and she mentioned that she’d been interested in doing one but had decided not to do so as it was so expensive. So I went on to explain how podcasting isn’t costly, which is one reason why we got into it in the first place. But I did have to explain how time heavy it is, so I thought it would be good to give listeners a quick start guide to running a podcast and the tools we’ve discovered along the way.

Yes, I suppose we should say this is not a definitive guide as obviously other people will have other recommendations but hopefully, these signposts will help other people to get ahead just a little bit faster.

Yes, so first off here’s a few figures, Nicky, which may interest you:

• Podcast listening grew 23% between 2015 and 2016
• Around 21% of Americans (aged 12 and upwards) have listened to a podcast in the last month – about the same as were active on Twitter (important to say here that your podcast could be heard beyond the UK)
• Weekly podcast listeners consume five shows a week on average

So I guess we’re saying if you want to promote your business or brand, you need to think beyond traditional PR.

Yes, it's a good tool to have although I think to be honest the UK has yet to catch up with some of those stats but it certainly is a growing phenomenon.

So let’s get into today’s episode which is all about the challenges of setting up a podcast. If you’ve ever thought about it, here is a quick overview of some of the tools and the things you need to think about.

Now, we will be offering a cheat sheet – so if you’d like to get your hands on one, do pop over to our website to download your copy. Please don't pop over there just yet without listening to the rest of this podcast as we’re painting the bigger picture and will be going into more detail than we’ve outlined on the cheat sheet.

So, in true Marketing Menu style, we’re going to go through this step-by-step. If you’ve ever thought about podcasting or if you’re podcasting now and are curious as to how we do it, that’s what this episode is all about.

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