The Marijuana Solution

The Marijuana Solution

Michael Thompson CEO Green Peak Media

December 31, 2020

Michael Thompson joins host Robert Roundtree for episode 109 of The Marijuana Solution. Michael is the founder and CEO of Green Peak Mesia , one of the leading cannabis marketing and social media marketing agencies in the world, and his agency has worked with many of the top brands from around the globe.The two hour conversation is jam packed with actionable information to help you get started in the right direction or build on what you’ve already started. Michael is one of the top thought leaders, and widely considered one of the best social media experts in the cannabis industry. He’s worked with many of the very top cannabis brands from Florida to Washington and in between.

Make sure to visit the links below so you can help make change in Florida by joining the legalization movement Regulate Florida and the Florida for Care newsletter and sign up for Sunshine Fam alerts. For all Florida patients reading this that have ever run out of flower and it’s caused you hardship due to not having medicine, please fill out a complaint form at the DOH link listed down below. This is going to help get the change we deserve and is rightfully ours such as the increase in the flower limit and a route for doctors to request an increase over the 2.5oz. Without any patients making complaints to the DOH they assume it’s not an issue having a big impact on patients. We know this not to be true because so many run out regularly in Florida and either go without or they’re forced to turn to the black market and that defeats the whole purpose of the program. Make sure you let them know the current 2.5oz limit is not an adequate supply of smokable flower to effectively treat your condition.


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For everyone that’s running out of flower every 35 days in FloridaSubmit a complaint to the Department of Health. Make sure that you let them know that 2.5oz of flower is not enough to treat your condition and you’re running out which forces you to either go without or become a criminal by purchasing on the black market.