

iLLspokinn on The Manny Faces Show

January 15, 2015

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Illspokinn is known to many in the New York City indie music scene as a musician, rapper, band leader, and co-host of the 13-years-and-running live hip hop extravaganza known as Freestyle Mondays. He is a respected facilitator of events, a gifted verbal gymnast, a shrewd businessman and a genuinely cool cat.

He is also a world-travelling artist, having toured Europe on several occasions, including a 6-month-long stint during 2014.
This guy, is all-the-f-over the place, and leaves a trail of musical, magical memories in his wake.

For now, he is back at the helm of the now-monthly live band, impromptu rap battle game show and open mic known as Freestyle Mondays. But how he’s gotten here, where he’s been, and where he plans to go, will inspire you.

Here’s my conversation with IllSpokinn…