The LittleBigKast - The Official Playstation Podcast of the Ktdata Network | PS4 | Vita | PS3 | Sony

The LittleBigKast - The Official Playstation Podcast of the Ktdata Network | PS4 | Vita | PS3 | Sony

Episode 77: Slurpees and Handball

December 03, 2015

We power through this episode thanks to the generosity of Glenn and the magical properties of sour patch Slurpees. We hit the highlights of Thanksgiving and gaming for us. Drew goes off the grid, Glenn makes an 18 lb. turkey and Robin moves the elusive boyfriend, Scott, into the casa! While we miss the presence of Jeff and Rachel, their input is still here, watch: Fallout 4 = Rachel, and Destiny = Jeff. See? Boom.


* The PlayStation Experience is live on Twitch (source)
* Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Beta liiiiiives! (source)
* Fallout 4 demolishes records with $750 million for just the first day! (source)
* Amplitude is coming Jan. 5 (source)
* Free games for the PS Plus cool kids (source)Connect with us on Twitter! @LittleBigKast

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