The LittleBigKast - The Official Playstation Podcast of the Ktdata Network | PS4 | Vita | PS3 | Sony

The LittleBigKast - The Official Playstation Podcast of the Ktdata Network | PS4 | Vita | PS3 | Sony

Episode 74: Touching Chests in Paris

October 29, 2015

On this episode of the LittleBigKast, MR. HOX RETURNS! Your favorite ginger, Jeff is back with us after two weeks of doing important stuff! All four of us have had some down time to play some video games. Robin tells us all about her restoration of faith in humanity after playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and she gives us a rundown about some of her favorite features in the game. Drew is falling more, and more in love with Nathan Drake in Uncharted 2. Rachel rants some more about how much Gwent is ruining her life. Last, but not least, Jeff shares with us his most recent Destiny adventures. Our topic is Sony at Paris games, find out what we have to say about some of the things that Sony has announced. All of this and more, on this episode, of the LittleBigKast. Welcome everybody.


* Sony sending out surveys on how to improve things! (source)
* At last- Fallout 4 is complete! (source)
* PS4's still selling... very well. (source)
* Destiny raids become even more of a challenge. (source)
* How to celebrate Halloween with your Destiny Guardian. (source)

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