The LittleBigKast - The Official Playstation Podcast of the Ktdata Network | PS4 | Vita | PS3 | Sony

The LittleBigKast - The Official Playstation Podcast of the Ktdata Network | PS4 | Vita | PS3 | Sony

LittleBigKast – Episode 70: Spreading our Wings

September 20, 2015

What’s up every one! Welcome to a really strange episode of LBK. If you were watching the livestream, you would know that the show started off just kind of… awkwardly. But if you did not watch the livestream, then everything will seem normal! Writing these is always fun because I get to reminisce on all of the fun things that happened during the show. Robin set a timer to see how long we (or just Jeff) talked about Destiny. I don’t believe we exceeding 20 minutes! Rachel talks about her journey of starting to raise a Titan. Drew tells us about his manly duty for the week, and Robin admits her plan to take over the world! Not really, but maybe. Ok folks, enjoy!

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Twitter: @LittleBigKast
Facebook: LittleBigKast

News, news, news

* PS4 is still on top in August sales (link)
* Uncharted demo out Sept. 29 (link)
* Bloodborne sells 2 million (link)
* 30-player, Free-to-play tanks coming to PS4 (link)
* Rainbow Six BETA starts Sept. 24 (no link)
* Gravity Rush remake and sequel announced (link)
* Grow Home breaks download records (link)