The Learning Cliff

The Learning Cliff

TLC 038 – Keep On Truckin’

February 17, 2016

So, having tried small scale PvP with Jin’Taan last week, we tried some larger scale PvP, going out on a 50-ship SPECTRE FLEET roam he was FCing. While we did record audio during the roam, it’s fleet comms and doesn’t make for great listening, so we recorded the episode after we got back.
For most of the episode, Nick was lugging a freighter over from Amarr to Dihra to move Will’s giant pile o’ abandoned crap from our expired office to the shiny new one. Which it turned out wasn’t *strictly* necessary…
One of the things I mentioned was the Eight Kinds of Fun – this is a concept I’ve really got a *lot* of mileage out of when putting together groups to play games together to figure out who enjoys the same kind of thing. There’s a good writeup here.
The other thing we talked about was communities with non-toxic comms cultures (by which we mostly mean that it’s not okay to use sexist/racist slurs or abusive language, treating each other with respect and so on.) That’s something that matters a lot to us, and apparently to a bunch of people as well. I don’t have experience with a wide range of Eve communities, so I can’t really recommend any such places, aside from Eve University. If you’d like to suggest any communities that have that sort of culture in the comments, we’ll put together a list. (Note that I can’t personally vouch for most of these – check them out at your own risk!)

* Nick recommended Eve University.
* Trony recommended Of Sound Mind as having had a robust and consistently enforced policy.
* Rixx Javix recommended the alliance A Band Apart (of which he is the executor) as having a zero tolerance policy towards racist/sexist language.
* Ned Thomas suggested Signal Cartel (and that fits with everything I’ve heard about them.)
* Bataav and Sakaane Eionell suggested the Intaki Liberation Front.