The Jesus Feed Podcast

The Jesus Feed Podcast

Episode 2: "When God Fails to Answer My Prayers"

June 16, 2016

S  H  O  W      N  O  T  E  S Have you ever felt as though God has failed you? Have you ever prayed so hard and with so much faith that you knew without a shadow of a doubt that God was going to answer your prayer? I have. In late 1999 my son, Christian, was diagnosed with cancer. I've never prayed so hard in my life. Just months later he would die. Did God fail to answer my prayers? Perhaps you've asked that same question. In this episode, I'll be talking about the challenges these disappointments bring to our faith when God seems to fail in answering our prayers. How do we respond to this? What are we supposed to think? And how are we to live in trusting relationship with God after these disappointments. I'll answer these questions and you'll also learn some practical ways to keep your bearings of understanding when it comes to prayer and your expectations. The series episodes are below.  Episode 1: "When God Fails...A.C.R.O.S.S. the Board" Episode 2: "When God Answer My Prayers" Episode 3: "When God Coddle Me When I'm Hurt" Episode 4: "When God Rescue Me From Trials" Episode 5: "When God Open New Doors" Episode 6: "When God Shield Me From Pain" Episode 7: "When God Speak in the Silence"   Visit me at