People of the IoTs (the internet of things)

People of the IoTs (the internet of things)

Ben Wild Interview

August 05, 2014

Ben spent time hanging out with his dad in his electrical lab when he was a kid.  He would take things apart and put them back together and that's where he became intrigued with sensors.  He built a soil moisture detecting automatic sprinkler system back in the days before the IoT.

Ben has a depth of knowledge and a background in wireless communications technologies.  Starting with his days working with RFID signals he starting feeling like he wanted to deal something that had a longer range than the thirty feet typical of RFID.  He has made a big leap into developing a IoT backbone that has a range of between one and four miles and a tracking tag to go along with it.

He’s was formerly the founder and president of Wirama, which was acquired by Checkpoint Systems in 2009. Ben received his BSEE from the University of Illinois and his MSEE from UC Berkeley, where he was a PhD candidate.

Hear Ben's interview and find all the resources we talked about and more at  I cover the developers and disrupters in the internet of things, wearable, quantifiedself and smart home technology.  You can subscribe to this podcast at