Leverage Masters

Leverage Masters

Leverage Your Life with Play to Bring about Joy & Happiness with Dorci Hill

September 22, 2020

Dr. Gina Gaudio-Grace, Duvisio, aka The JV Queen, & Andrea Adams-Miller, PhD, CEO, International Publicist, TheREDCarpetConnection.com interview Dorci Hill.

Dorci is an Actor, Podcast Host, Speaker, Best-Selling Author of 3 books, Healing Dance Therapist, Expert of Play, and Founder of The Healthy, Happy, Fun Life Network & Academy - a platform for high energy humans ages 40+ to find fulfillment, resources and community to create their own unique roadmap to a healthy, happy, fun life .  

Dorci believes in order to be completely happy, you must live in a balanced environment.  One that reflects play, purpose and pleasure on all areas of lifestyle.  If it isn’t enriching some part of your life, then it simply must go! 

Mix together the inspiration of a female Tony Robbins, a sprinkle of Oprah’s positivity, and a huge helping of Ellen’s sass and stir vigorously.  What you are left with is a whole lotta fabulosity with a heart of gold!  And that, is Dorci!