The Human Animal Podcast

The Human Animal Podcast

Why We Love CrossFit

August 17, 2014

It's popular to be a hater.  In fact, it seems it's gotten even more popular with the anonymity the internet provides.  The latest in a long-line of hot button topics that apparently no one can agree about (you either LOVE it or HATE it) is CrossFit.
Unfortunately, I rarely see these conversations result in constructive outcomes.  Each side simply becomes more entrenched in their opinion, trading barbs until one side becomes bored and leaves the conversation.  I've been a part of some of these parties, and guess what?  They suck.  I never feel uplifted leaving them, just drained.

So, in an effort to put a little more positivity out on the internet, we give you Why We Love CrossFit.  In this episode, Jake and I look at the positives we can learn from the growth of CrossFit, as well as what the program has really gotten right in our opinion.

There is always a lesson to be learned.  I think it’s more productive to be a student than a hater.  How about you?