The History of Spain Podcast

The History of Spain Podcast

Battle of Simancas

August 28, 2020

This is episode 42 called Battle of Simancas and in this episode you will learn:


- Who Ramiro II of León was
- The pompous parade of departure of the campaign of Osma of 934
- The first revolt of Muhammad ibn Hashim of the Banu Tujib clan and the tactical declaration of the Kingdom of Pamplona as vassal of the Caliphate
- The campaign of Osma itself
- The rebellion of Muhammad ibn Hashim, the offensives of the Christians, and the submission of Zaragoza
- The treaty of submission of Zaragoza and its implications
- The preparation of the campaign of the Omnipotence
- The Battle of Simancas-Alhándega and why the Caliphal forces were defeated
- Public execution of the traitors of Simancas at Medina Azahara and the Umayyad social contract
- The long-lasting consequences of the Battle of Simancas
- The immediate aftermath of the battle