The History of Spain Podcast

The History of Spain Podcast

Christians vs Muladis

May 10, 2020

This is episode 35 called Christians vs Muladis and in this episode you will learn:


- Announcement of the social media plan I’m executing this May
- Recap and main characters of Christians vs Muladis
- The consolidation of the Kingdom of Asturias, with the repopulation of Zamora
- The foundation of Burgos in the County of Castile and the temporary division of Castile
- What happened in the Kingdom of Pamplona of the Aristas, from 860 to 905
- The last two great Banu Qasi leaders: Muhammad ibn Lubb and Lubb ibn Muhammad
- How the Arista dynasty was deposed and replaced by another great Basque linage, the Jimenos
- The disappearence of the Banu Qasi clan and the absorption of the County of Aragon by the Kingdom of Pamplona of Sancho I of Pamplona
- The creation of the independent County of Ribagorza-Pallars between Aragon and Catalonia under Count Ramón
- A brief overview of the economy of the Kingdom of Asturias
- A reflection on the importance of this period for the consolidation of the Kingdoms of Asturias and Pamplona