Power To Be Happy: Journey of Healing, Together

Power To Be Happy: Journey of Healing, Together

#141 – Rock Hard Resilient You

March 16, 2024

We all want to be more resilient don’t we, but how? Let’s start with one definition of what resilience that you might not have come across earlier:

Resilience is accepting the inevitable challenges of life as situations that you can successfully cope with.

That’s right, my friend – it does not mean you must crush this challenge by the power of your indomitable will!!

Nor does it imply we put up with suffering daily.

It is believing you can cope with the challenges that you’re facing today.

It need not be perfect, or instant, but including this stress, struggle, awful experience in the categories of things you can heal from, and find your own way to move forward.

Here’s what COPE means to me:

Capable – you see yourself as capable of handling difficulty. How do you do that? By journaling about every day challenges of life – each morning, I write down what I have accomplished the previous day. And it’s always the little things that matter – listening to someone who needed it, working on my play and sharing my truth, getting the dinner ready, going for walk… It’s an opportunity to look at life and say: you know what? I am trying, I am giving my best, I can do this! You can, my friend, I believe in you, always
