The Growth Academy with Sean Kim

The Growth Academy with Sean Kim

Timothy Sykes: How to Deal with Haters By Knowing Your Shit

August 29, 2014

Do you have haters in your life or business?

I sure do. In fact, haters can be an asset if you know how to prove them wrong. This is exactly what Tim did.
Timothy Sykes is on the show with us today to talk about his experience of having to deal with haters in a negatively stigmatized industry like penny stocks. You know, the same penny stocks that you saw on Wolf of Wall Street.

We're talking Jordan Belfort ladies and gentlemen.

Tim has an amazing story of his own that he will share with us. He's famously known for turning $12,000 that he received for his Bar Mitzvah when he was thirteen years old to $1.7 million in just a few years. Insane, I know. He also started his own hedge fund in his twenties and was on a reality show called Wall Street Warriors.

Today, Tim has made the transition from full-time trading to becoming a mentor that he never had, teaching his students how to trade penny stocks online. Enough talking Sean, let's get to the interview!