

The Week's Best News

September 14, 2014

This is a full episode starting off with Scotland’s opportunity for freedom and how it may be good for them along with its’ greatest challenge. 
California has some more train problems but with the government acting outside of its’ authority. No real surprise there. Also what I would do and how I fell about some tax benefits given to companies that modernize to get rid of workers.
Canada attempts to appease Smaug, the great dragon known as China. Just a little on their efforts and some protectionism for the great white North.
Korea bets big on its’ robotic industry wanting to surpass Japan and the US by brainwashing their population that it’s good for them.
New Jersey is losing it’s grip on the Boardwalk Empire known as Atlantic city. Chris Christie is now placing a bet on Sports Betting being the savior of a Nasty Dinosaur that never quite evolved into Las Vegas.
We visit France where they are going through another Airline strike by Pilots who think they are businessmen. Then some economic problems slowing down France’s budget compliance, how come the German financial shoe doesn’t fit on the French foot? Hmmmmm what might the EU do? 
Nearing the close we go to China’s latest financial information. Just remember It is a very large economy so even when it is weakened it must be respected. But for how long?
Finally an update on ISIS that they won’t like so, good!                     Â