

The Week's Best News

September 02, 2014

This Episode starts off in Ukraine as the squealing about Russia’s intervention increases by proxy. Will it Result in war? Or just lots more military spending!

France actually blocks someone from a dangerous position because of his religious beliefs. Was is_____ophobia? Or was it really just too little too late? Better late than never though right? You go France and the GAM gives a couple of suggestions. Free ones

California begins to restrict the amount of water you can draw out of your own well. It is happening, progressively.

Japan and India have a new strategic Partnership and Japan opened up it’s wallet for it to the tune of Billions. China is up next on Modi’s visit list, what will China try to do to up the ante and out do Japan?

ISIS beheads another American from Florida. When will the world wake up to these clowns and go take them out? Hopefully right after those responsible for ISIS pay the price. Will ISIS be around in 2 years?  

Texas has a budding politician Wendy Davis coming up short on interest and funds. She just can’t keep up forget about winning. What will she do next? We all know someone just like her.

New York’s Unions are booming but is it new growth or more of the same ole…

Canada has a budget shocker. Canadians should be proud.