

The Week's Best News

August 30, 2014

This episode starts off with News from and about the Supposed Russian Invasion of the Ukraine as it may relate to the Syrian ISIS story. The GAM may just have an answer for the US’s sudden lack of interest in helping the Ukraine. Apparently the Ukraine does not remember how things went in Georgia.

Related only different we go to Canada where initially Canada left the door open to sending troops to the Ukraine. Not a good idea so let’s just meet with NATO and throw around some big words and unbacked threats coupled with a little EU self-destruction.

Then back to my ancestral home France where Hollande has a new government will it make any difference? What changes were really made? What is needed? Just come listen and find out.

California’s Legislature saves the state’s residents again! How did they do it? Changing some laws to take some freedom and run out some businesses. All the while failing to do what is necessary to really address the rape problem on college campuses.

Virginia has a former Governor who does not have much sense when it comes how to look innocent with great temptations all around.

In Kentucky it is another black eye for Mitch McConnell. In addition to the secret tape recording exposing his lack of……….

Florida may finally have its Supreme Court settle the same sex marriage issue. Due to some imported problems. Was it planned deceit? You decide.


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