

The Week's Best News

August 21, 2014

 I have been silent about the Beheading till now waiting on the Major Networks to identify those who are truly responsible. I have not seen it done so I am going to do it. Then I discuss the way we should handle our want to be kings and pharaohs. Then it is off to Los Angeles California where it pays to vote, maybe or take a chance a lotto people are.

Well let’s take the week of the 29th off as some claim that there will be a Purge in Texas…..One of the most colorful coaches in the NFL discusses not discussing who his starting quarterback will be. Then the Euro-crats are scrambling as the tide of their failures threatens to drown even Germany. Will you be able to travel at 125mph from Miami to Orlando? Will you live forever? Yes no and maybe!

So remember we now have a full service Amazon Affiliate Store at The Grown Man and we have another site The Grown Man Stop by and see them. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can see how many people are there with you.