

The Week's Best News By the GAM

August 03, 2014

Audio News by theGAM-this time we start off in France where o female politician named Marine La Penn has the current lead in the next Presidential race. Believe it or not Sarkozy is in second place. Then the GAM re addresses the Palestinian Protests in France and why nobody is stepping up to try to stop Israel from defeating Hamas. Also the Knig of Saudi Arabi blames Hamas for the war it is in with Israel ! Then theGAM set's up what will soon be the next big show in the middle east. For the first time it is off to Australia to discuss som Political turmoil that is kinda funny. Then Japan practices with the US, Australia and Indonesia incast they need to go to war with China. A little further to the east and it is time for California's National Gaurd to train and equip the Ukraine's National Gaurd. Then at the end the biggest news. Googles plan for ending taxi cab drivers jobs in New York and probably everywhere. Lastly Googles Genetic engineering program and how it will effect all of us. Remember we are at along with the GrownManStore which holds hundred's of items from Ipads to nearly everything else. If you are not in America you can do some gaming at but only if your not in America.