The Green Man

The Green Man

Randy’s new book hits the shelves

September 29, 2014

Randy Shore with BookHost Randy Shore announces the publication of his book ‘Grow What You Eat, Eat What You Grow’ – . Studio guests Tara McDonald of Vancouver Farmers Markets and Vancouver Sun Podcast Producer Adam Foster discuss the practical information and recipes contained within his nine-month labour of love.randy_book

Randy’s book is available at Arsenal Pulp Press, The Seasoned Kitchen, Indigo Books and as a ebook download from Kobo.

From the introduction to Grow What You Eat, Eat What You Grow:

I want you to stop and quiet your mind. Turn off the television, the radio, your smartphone, and whatever else you are using to stay connected to every other human being on the planet. Now, bite into an apple or a strawberry or a tomato

and consider where it came from, how it got to you, and what it tastes like.

This is a revolutionary act in our culture: We aren’t supposed to think about where things come from and how they are grown. The shelves of our grocery stores are piled high with fruits and vegetables from somewhere, ready-to-eat foods made by someone. We don’t often question these things because we are accustomed to seeing every imaginable food—in abundance—every day of the year.

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Intro Music: The Money Boys – Show Me How To Grow Food