Great Unknowns Presents

Great Unknowns Presents

World Premiere of "Superstar Pop Twin" by Glitter Rose, Ep 170

March 15, 2013

World Premiere of "Superstar Pop Twin" by Glitter Rose, Ep 170
On March 21 (this coming Thursday), Glitter is going to be performing at an event called Hard Rock Rising at Hard Rock Café, which is a battle of bands global competition against hundreds of artist from around, so she really needs your help to win. It’s a FREE show, so if you’re in the Hollywood area on that day, come out and scream your head off and get extra loud for her, cuz she’ll need your support if she’s going to win.   
The following Thursday, Glitter will be in Oklahoma where she’s going to be doing 5 shows. Then on April 16th, she’ll be off to her home state of Texas to appear on Texas Rogue TV, plus she’ll be playing a few live shows to wrap up her tour in Dallas. She’ll be performing at Poor David’s Pub and then her final at the Dallas International Guitar Festival.
To find the exact locations, dates, and times, go to or find her on Reverbnation, Facebook, and you also get all her updates on Twitter at GlitterRoseTX. She’s really active on Twitter, so make sure you follow her and add her to your favorites.
Listen to her other music on KGUP 106.5FM "The Emerge Radio Networks"
About Glitter Rose:
She's got a Southern heart, and a Rock n' Roll soul. Outlaw Southern Rocker, Glitter Rose from Ft. Worth, TX.  This left handed guitarist owns the stage with her amazing charisma and defining Southern Rock sound.  GR is endorsed by TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik, Orange Amplifiers, Fishman Acoustic Amplification, WARRIOR Guitar, BAE Audio, Rotosound Music Strings, Moody Leather, and Guitar Hands Hand Care.  
GR is a veteran in the music industry starting professionally at 13 years old in 1998.  She is an accomplished guitarist, a simply genius songwriter, and has vocals packed with power, grit, and originality.  Her live show is that of legends, captivating the audience with her high energy performance, and her passionate presence.  GR has great love and admiration for her fans, stating "They are the reason I make music.  If I can evoke emotion and excitement in one person in the crowd, I've done my job. It brings me great satisfaction to touch people with my songs and my performance."
GR is currently in Hollywood, CA. From March to July 2012, she held a 5 month residency at Hard Rock Cafe Hollywood on Hollywood Blvd. for an event they created about her music called Southern Rock Brunch. She is a 2 time winner in the 2013 Artists In Music Awards for Best Rock Artist and Album of the Year for Dead or Alive. She was also nominated for 2 Los Angeles Music Awards in 2012.  She received a very honorable nomination with the Texas Music Office for State Musician in 2013.  GR's time is definitely here. Her music is being recognized by some of the most prestigious programs in music, paving the way to stardom for this deserving and hard working artist.  

* Photo credit: Glitter Rose performing at 2013 Artists In Music Awards. Photo by CNL Photography