The Gospel Podcast

The Gospel Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep 69 Jesus’ First Miracle
September 26, 2018

Today we continue our study in the gospel of John and we begin in John 2. This is the first miracle of Jesus 2:11. Though some religions believe Jesus performed miracles as a child that is a direct contradiction of the word of God.

Ep 68 Commandment 1 pt.2
September 24, 2018

Continuing commandment 1

Ep 67 Commandment 1
September 22, 2018

As we continue our weekend series on the 10 Commandments we begin with the first commandment. The family, the church, the nation would be in much better moral condition if we still believed in and practiced the 10 Commandments.

Ep 66 Eternally Secure Until…
September 20, 2018

The Christian that is in fellowship with Christ and being obedient will not doubt his salvation because he knows what the Bible says.

Ep 65 Believing on Jesus pt.2
September 19, 2018

Part two

Ep 64 Believing on Jesus
September 18, 2018

Today we conclude the three part series of messages about Seeing Jesus, Following Jesus, and now Believing on Jesus. Unfortunately many are believing in Jesus for the wrong things.

Ep 63 Who or What is Your God?
September 16, 2018

Commandment #1 (compare Psalm 115) is very clear about creating false gods (idols) and worshipping them. The person who does this is like them, not knowing. But, false idols are not the only deities or gods created by man.

Ep 62 Survey Concludes: Only One God
September 15, 2018

Eight out of the 10 Commandments (80%) are negative, “shalt not”. Even today, the gospel of Christ is 2/3 negative and yet it’s the best thing that ever happened to mankind. Therefore, we should conclude, that although negative,

Ep 60 Following Jesus
September 13, 2018

After someone sees Jesus they have to personally make a choice to follow Him. This is not the following of discipleship but of discovery.

Ep 59 Seeing Jesus
September 12, 2018

Our goal is to have the sinner to look upon Jesus. When John the Baptist was talking about Jesus the eyes of his followers were taken off of him and they began to look upon Jesus.
