The Gospel Podcast

The Gospel Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep 79 Wine Is A Mocker pt.4
October 09, 2018

An OT illustration has a NT application. The priests were told not to drink wine in Lev. 10 and the child of God today are a royal priesthood 1 Peter 2.

Ep 78 Wine Is A Mocker pt.3
October 08, 2018

As we continue studying the subject of wine, we look at the next instance of someone drinking wine and getting drunk. The results are the same as Noah, sin! - This time in Gen 19 Lot's two daughters get him drunk and have relations with him and have c...

Ep 77 Wine Is A Mocker pt.2
October 06, 2018

Every good gift comes from God. If you can say that the results of drinking alcohol is good then it's of God. If not... - James 1:17 KJV [17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,

Ep 76 Wine Is A Mocker pt.1
October 04, 2018

In John chapter 2 Jesus performs his first miracle by turning water into wine. This passage is the most quoted passage to justify drinking alcoholic beverages. But in the next several message we will show from the Bible that Jesus did not give alcohol ...

Ep 75 They Wanted
October 03, 2018

Another and equally spiritual truth is hound here in this passage, that of want. In Psalm 104:15 wine is a symbol of joy and gladness. Man's joy runs out and can only be filled temporarily by the word but Jesus and the new birth satisfies for eternity.

Ep 74 Mary: The Mother of God
October 02, 2018

Religion has a way of misrepresenting the Scripture to give a particular ideal credibility. But for the student of the Scripture these errors are soon evident with careful and honest study. Then the choice becomes between man's doctrines and traditions...

Ep 73 Invite Christ to Your Wedding
October 01, 2018

The biggest problem in today's Christian home is the lack of Jesus. If you invite Christ to be the center of your marriage you will have a blessed home.

Ep 72 Sending Your Children to Hell
September 30, 2018

Today we begin the emphasis of the series on the 10 Commandments: Living the Commandments. The 10 Commandments are part of the Law, and therefore not for this dispensation. This means that we do live the commandments to earn salvation.

Ep 71 On to the Big City
September 28, 2018

After Jesus leaves the small town of Cana he moves to the big city of Jerusalem. He leaves the common people, for whom he performed a miracle to the religious crowd where he....

Ep 70 Jesus in the Small Town
September 27, 2018

Jesus shows up and performs his first miracle in a small town. The small town preacher is still the backbone of this great nation.
