The Gospel for Planet Earth

The Gospel for Planet Earth

The Election - The Gospel for Planet Earth

April 05, 2016

The Election

Double Mint or Spearmint? You choose.

“…just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world…”  Ephesians 1:4
What does it mean to be the elected, or “chosen” people of God? Many coffees have been spilt and fellowships broken over this question and to bring it up in Sunday school is to guarantee the rise of tension in the classroom. Even those who affirm a belief in the traditional “Calvinist” teaching on the subject often times are discomforted when discussing this topic. As one young lady told me, “I believe in the doctrine of predestination, but I don’t want to talk about it.” But have we really understood Paul’s language concerning the elect people of God? Have we truly understood what Paul was trying to communicate or how the concept of God’s chosen people worked in the long history of the Israelite nation before Paul? What are the chosen people chosen for? Can we recapture the element of “good news” and happy enthusiasm that Paul had when he told the Ephesians that God had predestined us “in love”? (Ephesians 1:4-5).
This month of April 2016, The Gospel for Planet Earth, will be focused on these questions and others regarding the elect people of God, beginning with this podcast
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