The Gospel for Planet Earth

The Gospel for Planet Earth

Creation, Controlling Narratives, and Cosmic Temples Podcast! - The Gospel for Planet Earth

February 02, 2016

Creation, Controlling Narratives, and Cosmic Temples
"In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1:1
Genesis is a fascinating book, but depending on how you are used to reading Genesis, it may also be a deeply frustrating or confusing book. Does Genesis really teach that the world was made in a literal seven days? What is the main message that the author of Genesis wants to tell us?
On this month's Gospel for Planet Earth Podcast, Karl and Susie Gessler talk about how they read Genesis as children and how they are reading Genesis today.
You have heard that Genesis is the story of creation, but have you have considered the controlling narrative behind the book of Genesis? Have you ever heard of a controlling narrative? How about a Cosmic temple? Well, now is your chance!
We look forward to hearing what you think of this month's podcast: Creation, Controlling Narratives, and Cosmic Temples!
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