The Gold Chronicles

The Gold Chronicles

EP. 85 The Gold Chronicles: June 2018 podcast with Jim Rickards and Alex Stanczyk

June 08, 2018

Topic Include:

*On the In Gold We Trust report ( @IGWTreport ) by @RonStoeferle and @MarkValek

*The New Axis of Gold - How emerging market central banks are accumulating gold and what it means

*Conversation with the former head of the IMF, John Lipsky

*Why Russia buying gold for 38 consecutive months is a strategic move

*US is engaged in financial warfare with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea

*How and why targets of US sanctions are working on alternatives to the US dollar system

*A game theory scenario on a Chinese/Russian controlled permissioned distributed ledger with a government issued token backed by physical gold

*Why some institutions are buying physical gold, changing from paper gold allocations to physical gold allocations