The Geek Life – The Webcast Beacon

The Geek Life – The Webcast Beacon

Episode 226: Mike Doesn’t Know Why His Mic Doesn’t Work

May 17, 2014

Fes elects we make “DC†stand for “Don’t/Can’tâ€, and make “WB†stand for “What Box Office?â€; Nature Valley goes animu, a spectrometer for your pocket, a spy plane crashes LAX, Eurovision, and video releases! (podcast link after the notes)

Video and Film:

Mentioned: Catch Me If You Can (1989), Drop Dead Fred (1991)


  • Her (blu)


  • Godzilla (original)
  • A bizillion Godzilla sequels on blu-ray
  • Blazing Saddles (40th anniversary blu)
  • Revenge of the Nerds (blu)
  • Weekend at Bernie’s (blu)
  • Bachelor Party (blu)
  • The Big Red One (blu)
  • A whole bunch of Hitchcock on blu
  • White Zombie (blu)
  • Harvey (blu)
  • Johnny Come Lately (James Cagney)
  • Escape from New York (blu)


  • Ace in the Hole

Title of the Week

  • Poseidon Rex (water dinosaur?)
  • Series: Chasing Mummies
  • Series: Ancients Behaving Badly (History Channel)


ABC doubles down on Marvel 2nd season of S.H.I.E.L.D. plus a Captain America series (without Captain America) (Comic Book Resources) Oh, and Marvel is making a Black Widow movie (Variety) Meanwhile, the best thing happening for DC Comics, is College Humor, because Warner Brothers clearly isn’t doing anything worthwhile.


Hand-held Spectrometer on Kickstarter A pocket-sized spectrometer to finding out chemical makeup of food, and more… And apparently it is real. (Pando) Print your own MAKEUP From any printing-capable device, with a $300 Makeup Printer. Get a HEX color code, and get the EXACT COLOR you want! (Business Insider)

General Geek:

Nature Valley goes all Animu on Twitter Nature Valley has been encouraging followers to splicing in images of Nature Valley snack bars into anime pictures…. ok? uh-oh hashtag…

New Unreal Tournament game will be free, developed by Epic and UT community Not “Free-To-Playâ€, Free. (PC Gamer)

Epic stressed the point that it will be just free, not free-to-play. However, it also said that eventually it will create a marketplace where developers, modders, artists, and players can buy and sell mods and content, or just give it away for free. Earnings from this marketplace will be split between the content creator and Epic, which is how it plans to pay for the game.

 Do you have a right to be forgotten? Google must alter search results at user’s request. (BBC)

“… the court in Luxembourg said people had the right to request information be removed if it appeared to be “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant”.â€

Bernie from the film Bernie might be released from prison… … but he has to live with the director of Bernie. Wizard World bans cameras with removable lenses; creates tiff. To be fair, it’s meant for just the celebrity photo and signing areas, but their wording of it wasn’t handled well and is a bit unclear. (Blastr) Eurovision It’s kinda a big deal.

“eurovision is basically an episode of glee where europe decides their political disagreements by having a karaoke contest” – @DanIsNotOnFire

Mentioned: Dustin The Turkey (Ireland)

Whoops! Los Angeles Air Traffic Control got shut down Hundreds of LA area flights were delayed or grounded last week thanks to a U2 spy plane. System mis-identified the altitude of the plane, and in trying to process it, ran out of memory. Ummm… errr…. (Reuters, USA Today) When to post to Social Media… and when you shouldn’t HR Giger died  Man who directed Searching for Sugar Man died


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