

Gatecast 333 SGU Awakening

October 29, 2016

In the third episode of the season called Awakening we see the Destiny approaches the mysterious object detected earlier, the ship approaches swiftly which provokes Young to order the deployment of the main gun but before they can fire the thrusters engage slowing Destiny and docks the two ships. A team board the vessel through the airlocks which prove to be compatible, no surprise really as the design of the ship certainly echoes Destiny herself. As the team search the ship the control is activated and we see that there is something alive on board, shortly after Volker alone on the bridge is surprised by an alien who promptly collapses. TJ is sent over to provide aid and when the alien awakes they try to communicate and offer it food with little success. However Rush and Park discover that the Ancient built stargate seeding ship has almost a full energy storage cell which can be tapped to provide the Destiny with enough power to dial Earth. Everyone is excited but as they prepare to dial the energy feed reverses and the seed ship begins to draw power from Destiny.

Telford and Eli are unable to prevent the energy drain and everyone but Telford leave the seed ship, Rush on the bridge of Destiny makes the call and disconnects the two ships leaving Telford stranded and alarmingly surrounded by a number of the aliens…
Awakening was an interesting episode both in terms of adding to the Lucian Alliance complication but solidifying Ginn and Varro and the dark presence of Simeon. We get another clear indication that when the proverbial hits the fan and the crew learn that Rush has control of the ship he may not survive the experience. Riley died because of Rush and his distrust and paranoia and now Telford has been abandoned to his fate although it has to be said it was a moving conversation between the two Colonels. It was great to see the Seed ship and the bay full of gates ready for deployment and quite funny how Rush reacted but of course he has bigger fish to fry whereas Scott and Greer were like kids in a candy store:)
A decent episode which actually works better as a jumping off point for storylines to come but with plenty of drama, humour and some great character pieces which raises the episode above average. Our thanks this week to Thomas for joining us on the show and he will be back shortly including at least one of the seasonal bonus shows. No direct feedback this week but we do want to hear from you about anything Stargate and Gatecast so drop us a line or chat over social media. This weeks promo is for Treks In Scifi and next week we are going to be watching the excellent “Pathogen”.

* Treks In Scifi


* Awakening Wiki
* Awakening IMDB
* Julie McNiven
* Robert Knepper
* Louise Lombard
* Mike Dopud
* Marie-Eve Boudreau
* Lou Diamond Phillips
* Andy Mikita


* Stargate Atlantis Favourite Episode Poll...